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Directions to Solve

Now-a-days, under the ...(1)... system of education, however good it may be, when a young man comes out of the university, there seems to be this ...(2)... in him that the higher the standard of living raises, the less should a man work. Thus, mathematically, the higher the standard of living, according to this misconceived notion, the less the ...(3)... Ultimately, what should be the highest standard of living then? ...(4)... work! This leads to an unhealthy ...(5)...among the workers. A typist who types over twenty letters a day asks his ...(6)... how many letters he had types that day. The latter ...(7)... "fifteen". The former thinks, "Tomorrow I should type only fifteen or even ...(8)... This tendency is quite ...(9)... and may ultimately lead to ...(10)... Even one's family life may be affected adversely due to such tendency.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A unnatural

B discouraging

C heartening

D healthy

E unfortunate

Q2: In a group of cows and hens, the number of legs are 14 more than twice the number of heads. The number of cows is

A 12

B 10

C 7

D 5

Q3: A father tells his son, "I was of your present age when you were born". If the father is 36 now, how old was the boy five years back ?

A 13

B 20

C 17

D 15

Q4: A fires 5 shots to B's 3 but A kills only once in 3 shots while B kills once in 2 shots. When B has missed 27 times, A has killed

A 90 birds

B 60 birds

C 30 birds

D 72 birds

Q5: In a class, 3/5 of the students are girls and rest are boys. If 2/9 of the girls and 1/4 of the boys are absent, what part of the total number of students is present ?

A 17/25

B 23/30

C 18/49

D 23/36

Q6: In a family, a couple has a son and a daughter. The age of the father is three times that of his daughter and the age of the son is half of that of his mother. The wife is 9 years younger to her husband and the brother is seven years older than his sister. What is the age of the mother ?

A 45 years

B 40 years

C 60 years

D 50 years

Q7: If a 1 mm thick paper is folded so that the area is halved at every fold, then what would be the thickness of the pile after 50 folds ?

A 1 billion km

B 100 km

C 1000 km

D 1 million km

Q8: First bunch of bananas has (1/4) again as many bananas as a second bunch. If the second bunch has 3 bananas less than the first bunch, then the number of bananas in the first bunch is

A 10

B 12

C 9

D 15

Q9: Mr. X, a mathematician, defines a number as 'connected with 6 if it is divisible by 6 or if the sum of its digits is 6, or if 6 is one of the digits of the number. Other numbers are all 'not connected with 6'. As per this definition, the number of integers from 1 to 60 (both inclusive) which are not connected with 6 is

A 43

B 42

C 18

D 22

Q10: Find the number which when added to itself 13 times, gives 112.

A 7

B 8

C 11

D 9