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The bar graph given below shows the foreign exchange reserves of a country (in million US $) from 1991 - 1992 to 1998 - 1999.

Foreign Exchange Reserves Of a Country. (in million US $)

Q1: The foreign exchange reserves in 1997-98 was how many times that in 1994-95?

A 1.2

B 1.4

C 0.7

D 1.5

In the following the questions choose the word which best expresses the meaning of the given word.


A Collapse

B Disgrace

C Decline

D Defeat

Directions to Solve

In each question rearrange the given sentences in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then, mark the correct sequence as answer.

  1. However, different rulers and governments dealt with the different groups in a compartmentalised manner.
  2. Various situtatutional and political changes have taken place over the past three and half centuries.
  3. This tendency resulted in deeply embedded fragmented South African society which became even more prominent in the period 1948 until the new commencement of the new Constitution on May 10 1994.
  4. South Africa is a racially divided society since the first European settlers arrived in 1652.

A 4213

B 1342

C 3124

D 2134

E 2413

Q4: A girl counted in the following way on the fingers of her left hand : She started by calling the thumb 1, the index finger 2, middle finger 3, ring finger 4, little finger 5 and then reversed direction calling the ring finger 6, middle finger 7 and so on. She counted upto 1994. She ended counting on which finger ?

A Middle finger

B Ring finger

C Thumb

D Index finger

Q5: For maximum work, the reheating should be done to an intermediate pressure of (where p1 = Maximum pressure, and p2 = Minimum pressure)



C p1p2


Q6: The intercooler pressure, for minimum work required, for a two stage reciprocating air compressor, is given by (where p1 = Intake pressure of air, p2 = Intercooler pressure, and p3 = Delivery pressure of air)

A p2 = p1 x p3

B p2 = p1/p3

C p2 = p3/p1

D p2 =  p1 x p3

Q7: The pressure of air at the beginning of the compression stroke is __________ the atmospheric pressure.

A less than

B equal to

C more than

Q8: The pressure ratio in a centrifugal compressor can be increased by increasing the tip speed and lowering the inlet temperature.

A Incorrect

B Correct

Q9: Free air is the air at atmospheric conditions at any specific location.

A True

B False

Q10: A gas turbine used in air-craft should have low weight and small frontal area.

A Correct

B Incorrect