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Q1: If 6th March, 2005 is Monday, what was the day of the week on 6th March, 2004?

A Tuesday

B Saturday

C Wednesday

D Sunday

Q2: On 8th Feb, 2005 it was Tuesday. What was the day of the week on 8th Feb, 2004?

A Wednesday

B Sunday

C Tuesday

D Monday

The following chart shows the production of cars in thousands.

Production of Cars for 2002 - 2005 period from the Selected Manufacturers

Q3: How many companies have shown production below their average production in 2002 - 2003, but have showed above the average production in 2003 - 2004 ?

A Two

B Four

C Three

D One

The following chart shows the production of cars in thousands.

Production of Cars for 2002 - 2005 period from the Selected Manufacturers

Q4: The ratio of Hindustan Motors production in 2003 - 2004 to Honda's production in 2002 - 2003 is ?

A 0.66

B 2

C None of these

D 1.5

Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q5: In spite of their efforts, the team of scientists could not make much headway to solve the problem.

A start

B progress

C thinking

D efforts

Directions to Solve

In each of the questions below consists of a question and two statements numbered I and II given below it. You have to decide whether the data provided in the statements are sufficient to answer the question. Read both the statements and

Give answer

  • (A) If the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement II alone are not sufficient to answer the question
  • (B) If the data in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question, while the data in statement I alone are not sufficient to answer the question
  • (C) If the data either in statement I alone or in statement II alone are sufficient to answer the question
  • (D) If the data given in both statements I and II together are not sufficient to answer the question and
  • (E) If the data in both statements I and II together are necessary to answer the question.

Q6: Question: On which date of the month was Anjali born in February 2004 ? Statements:
  1. Anjali was born on an even date of the month.
  2. Anjali's birth date was a prime number.

A II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

B I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

C Either I or II is sufficient

D Neither I nor II is sufficient

E Both I and II are sufficient

Q7: The temperature at which the new grains are formed in the metal is called

A eutectic temperature

B upper critical temperature

C lower critical temperature

D recrystallisation temperature

Q8: Thread rolling is restricted to

A ferrous materials

B ductile materials

C hard materials

D none of these

Q9: In sheet metal blanking, shear is provided on punches and dies so that

A warping of sheet is minimised

B press load is reduced

C cut blanks are straight

D good cut edge is obtained

Q10: In welding copper alloys with TIG arc welding

A direct current with straight polarity is used

B any one of these

C alternating current is used

D direct current with reversed polarity is used