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Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q1: As the driver was inebriated he could not control the car.

A befuddled

B tired

C inexperienced

D intoxicated

Q2: In arc welding, the temperature of heat produced by the electric arc is of the order of

A 6000° C to 7000° C

B 5000° C to 6000° C

C 3000° C to 4000° C

D 4000° C to 5000° C

Q3: Extrusion

A is used to improve fatigue resistance of the metal by setting up compressive stresses in its surface

B is used for reducing the diameter of round bars and tubes by rotating dies which open and close rapidly on the work

C consists of pressing the metal inside a chamber to force it out by high pressure through an orifice which is shaped to provide the desired form of the finished part

D is extensively used for making bolts and nuts

Q4: The operation of cutting of a flat sheet to the desired shape is called

A punching

B blanking

C piercing

D shearing

Q5: The process of decreasing the cross-section of a bar and increasing its length, is called

A spinning

B peening

C upsetting

D drawing down

Q6: A casting defect which occurs due to improper venting of sand is known as

A blow holes

B cold shuts

C shift

D swell

Q7: Swab is used for

A cleaning the moulding sand

B reinforcement of sand in the top part of the moulding box

C moistening the sand around the edge before removing pattern

D smoothing and cleaning out depressions in the mould

Q8: The temperature of the inner luminous cone of neutral flame is about

A 2100° C

B 3200° C

C 1000° C

D 1250° C

Q9: The metal patterns as compared to wooden patterns require less

A draft allowance

B shrinkage allowance

C machining allowance

D distortion allowance

Q10: When the dimension is expressed as , then the basic size is

A 20 mm

B 19.975 mm

C 20.025 mm

D 20.035 mm