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Q1: The product of two numbers is 2028 and their H.C.F. is 13. The number of such pairs is:

A 2

B 1

C 3

D 4

Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q2: The story is too fantastic to be credible.

A praiseworthy

B readable

C believable

D false

Q3: The punch and die set up is __________ for punching and piercing operation.

A different

B similar

Q4: For smoothing and cleaning out depressions in the mould, a __________ is used.

A lifter

B gagger

C slick

D swab

Q5: When the dimension is expressed as , then the tolerance is

A 0.06 mm

B 0.035 mm

C 0.01 mm

D 0.025 mm

Q6: The brass and bronze are welded by __________ flame.

A all of these

B neutral

C oxidising

D carburising

Q7: Projection welding is a

A continuous spot welding process

B process used for joining round bars

C arc welding process

D multi-spot welding process

Q8: The adhesiveness is the property of a sand due to which

A it cling to the sides of a moulding box

B the sand grains stick together

C none of these

D it evolves a great amount of steam and other gases

Q9: A stripper-plate machine is used to draw the pattern from the mould.

A No

B Yes

Q10: The algebraic difference between the maximum limit and the basic size is called

A fundamental deviation

B lower deviation

C upper deviation

D actual deviation