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Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q1: The aberration in the Indian Economy can be attributed to short-sightedness of its political masters.

A steadfastness

B procrastination

C deviation

D privilege

Q2: Line organisation is suitable for a big organisation.

A Incorrect

B Correct

Q3: PERT is an event oriented technique.

A Correct

B Incorrect

Q4: Linear programming model can be applied to line balancing problem and transportation problem.

A True

B False

Q5: The chart which gives an estimate about the amount of materials handling between various work stations is known as

A operation chart

B process chart

C travel chart

D flow chart

Q6: The type of organisation preferred for a steel industry, is

A functional organisation

B line and staff organisation

C line organisation

D line, staff and functional organisation

Q7: A device used for lifting or lowering objects suspended from a hook at the end of retractable chains or cable is called

A jib crane

B portable elevator

C chain conveyor

D hoist

Q8: A diagram showing the path followed by men and materials while performing a task is known as

A flow process chart

B travel chart

C flow diagram

D string diagram

Q9: The determination of standard time in a complex job system is best done through

A analysis of micromotions

B analysis of standard data system

C grouping timing technique

D stop watch time study

Q10: In CPM, the cost slope is determined by