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Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q1: I don't like alien fashions.

A exotic

B unusual

C foreign

D extraneous

Q2: In value engineering, important consideration is given to

A customer satisfaction

B profit maximisation

C cost reduction

D function concept

Q3: The unit cost in case of batch production is __________ as compared to jobbing production.

A high

B low

C same

Q4: Critical path method

A makes better and detailed planning possible

B all of the above

C helps in ascertaining time schedules

D provides a standard method for communicating project plans schedules and to time and cost performance

Q5: PERT is applied for

A all of these

B marketing programmes and advertising programmes

C installation of machinery

D research and development of products

Q6: The most important function of inventory control is

A to run the stores effectively

B stock control system

C technical responsibility for the state of materials

D all of the above

Q7: Break even analysis represents the relationship between cost and volume.

A False

B True

Q8: In product layout

A manufacturing cost rises with a fall in the volume of production

B machines can not be used to their maximum capacity

C all of the above

D specialised and strict supervision is required

Q9: The bonus increases in proportion to the increase in efficiency. This statement applies to

A Halsey plan

B Rowan plan

C Emerson's efficiency plan

D Ganttplan

Q10: Which of the following statement is correct about the network diagram?

A all of the above

B The head of the arrow represents the end of an activity.

C The tail end of the arrow represents the start of an activity.

D The events are represented graphically by circles or nodes at the beginning and the end of activity by arrows.