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The following line graph gives the percentage of the number of candidates who qualified an examination out of the total number of candidates who appeared for the examination over a period of seven years from 1994 to 2000.

Percentage of Candidates Qualified to Appeared in an Examination Over the Years

Q1: If the number of candidates qualified in 1998 was 21200, what was the number of candidates appeared in 1998?

A 32000

B 25000

C 28500

D 26500

Directions to Solve

Find the correctly spelt words.

Q2: (solve as per the direction given above)

A Puerrile

B Purrile

C Puerrille

D Puerile

Q3: In a four stroke cycle petrol engine, the pressure inside the engine cylinder during the suction stroke is __________ the atmospheric pressure.

A above

B equal to

C below

Q4: A diesel engine is __________ as compared to petrol engine, both running at rated load.

A more efficient

B equally efficient

C less efficient

Q5: Which one of the following event would reduce volumetric efficiency of a vertical compression ignition engine ?

A inlet valve opening before top dead centre

B exhaust valve closing after top dead centre

C inlet valve closing after bottom dead centre

D inlet valve closing before bottom dead centre

Q6: The pressure at the end of compression, in petrol engines, is approximately

A 35 bar

B 10 bar

C 25 bar

D 20 bar

Q7: The sparking in a petrol engine increases pressure and temperature of the products of combustion, but the volume remains constant.

A Yes

B No

Q8: Solid fuel fabricated into various small shapes, which are assembled to form fuel elements, is in the form of

A all of these

B pallets

C pins

D plates

Q9: Which of the following statement is wrong ?

A A four stroke cycle engine develops twice the power as that of a two stroke cycle engine.

B The petrol engines are costly than diesel engines.

C all of the above

D For the same power developed, a four stroke cycle engine is lighter, less bulky and occupies less floor area.

Q10: The turbine of the turbo-prop engine is __________ that of the turbo-jet engine.

A bigger than

B smaller than

C same as