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Directions to Solve

Find the correctly spelt words.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A Paralleled

B Parralleled

C Parallelled

D Paraleled

Q2: The ratio of the indicated thermal efficiency to the air standard efficiency is known as

A volumetric efficiency

B overall efficiency

C mechanical efficiency

D relative efficiency

Q3: The octane number of petrol, generally available, is

A 60 to 80

B 40 to 60

C 80 to 100

D 20 to 40

Q4: The brake power is the power available

A in the engine cylinder

B none of these

C at the crank pin

D at the crank shaft

Q5: The slowing down of fast neutrons is desirable because slow moving neutrons are more effective than fast neutrons in triggering fission.

A Agree

B Disagree

Q6: The normal heptane (C7H16) is given a rating of __________ octane number.

A 120

B 50

C 0

D 100

Q7: The air standard efficiency ofan I.C. engine is given by (where r = Compression ratio, and γ = Ratio of specific heats)

A none of these

B 1 + rγ - 1

C 1 - rγ - 1


Q8: A diesel engine has inlet valve, fuel injection valve and exhaust valve.

A Yes

B No

Q9: In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the compression

A starts at 40° after bottom dead centre and ends at 10° before top dead centre

B may start and end anywhere

C starts at top dead centre and ends at 40° before bottom dead centre

D starts at 40° before top dead centre and ends at 40° after top dead centre

Q10: In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the inlet valve

A may open and close anywhere

B opens at 20° before top dead centre and closes at 40° after bottom dead centre

C opens at 20° after top dead centre and closes at 20° before bottom dead centre

D opens at top dead centre and closes at bottom dead centre