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Directions to Solve

Find the correctly spelt words.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A Equannimity

B Equanimity

C Equinimity

D Equanimmity

Q2: Which one of the following engines will have heavier flywheel than the remaining ones?

A 30 kW two-stroke petrol engine running at 1500 r.p.m.

B 30 kW two-stroke diesel engine running at 750 r.p.m.

C 30 kW four-stroke diesel engine running at 750 r.p.m.

D 30 kW four-stroke petrol engine running at 1500 r.p.m.

Q3: Detonation is harmful due to

A high intensity of knock causes crankshaft vibration and the engine runs rough

B none of the above

C excessive turbulence which removes most of the insulating gas boundary layer from the cylinder walls

D increase in the rate of heat transfer, there is a reduction in the power output and efficiency of the engine

Q4: The brake power (B.P.) of the engine is given by (where W = Brake load or dead load in newtons, l = Length of arm in metres, N = Speed of engine in r.p.m., S - Spring balance reading in newtons, D = Dia. of brake drum in metres, and d = Dia. of rope in metres)



C all of these


Q5: A power plant giving least running cost of production of electrical power is

A hydro electric power plant

B gas turbine power plant

C steam power plant

D nuclear power plant

Q6: The thermal efficiency of petrol and gas engines is about

A 30%

B 50%

C 15%

D 70%

Q7: The firing order in an I.C. engine depends upon

A all of these

B number of cylinders

C design of crankshaft

D arrangement of the cylinders

Q8: The ratio of the actual damping coefficient to the critical damping coefficient is called damping factor.

A Yes

B No

Q9: When a body moves with simple harmonic motion, the product of its periodic time and frequency is equal to

A zero

B one

C π

D π/2

Q10: In a vibrating system, if the actual damping coefficient is 40 N/m/s and critical damping coefficient is 420 N/m/s, then logarithmic decrement is equal to

A 0.4

B 0.2

C 0.8

D 0.6