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Directions to Solve

Find the correctly spelt words.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A Inexpliccable

B Exterminatte

C Offspring

D Reffere

Q2: The frictional torque transmitted in a flat pivot bearing with assumption of uniform pressure is __________ as compared to uniform wear.

A less

B more

C same

Q3: A reed type tachometer use the principle of

A damped free vibration

B transverse vibration

C torsional vibration

D longitudinal vibration

Q4: The natural frequency of free transverse vibrations due to a point load acting over a simply supported shaft is equal to (where δ = Static deflection of a simply supported shaft due to the point load)





Q5: When the sleeve of a Porter governor moves upwards, the governor speed

A decreases

B increases

C remains unaffected

D first increases and then decreases

Q6: The retardation of a flat faced follower when it has contact at the apex of the nose of a circular arc cam, is given by (where OQ = Distance between the centre of circular flank and centre of nose)

A ω2 x OQ tan θ

B ω2 x OQ

C ω2 x OQ cos θ

D ω2 x OQ sin θ

Q7: A thin circular disc is rolling with a uniform linear speed, along a straight path on a plane surface. Which of the following statement is correct in this regard ?

A All points of the disc have the same velocity

B The centre of the disc has zero acceleration

C The centre of the disc has centrifugal acceleration

D The point on the disc making contact with the plane surface has zero acceleration

Q8: Which of the following statement is correct ?

A The periodic time of a particle moving with simple harmonic motion is directly proportional to its angular velocity.

B The acceleration of the particle moving with simple harmonic motion is maximum at the mean position.

C The periodic time of a particle moving with simple harmonic motion is the time taken by a particle for one complete oscillation.

D The velocity of a particle moving with simple harmonic motion is zero at the mean position.

Q9: When the speed of the engine fluctuates continuously above and below the mean speed, the governor is said to be

A hunt

B unstable

C isochronous

D stable

Q10: When two pulleys of different diameters are connected by means of an open belt, the angle of contact at the __________ pulley must be taken into consideration.

A larger

B smaller