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Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Q1: Who is creating this mess?

A Who has been created this mess?

B By whom has this mess been created?

C By whom this mess is being created?

D By whom is this mess being created?

Q2: Bitwise & can be used to check if a bit in number is set or not.

A True

B False

Q3: What does a hall effect sensor sense?

A magnetic fields

B pressure

C moisture

D temperature

Q4: What causes the piezoelectric effect?

A a magnetic field

B heat or dissimilar metals

C water running on iron

D pressure on a crystal

Q5: Which is the DIAC?

A mca14_10012a1.gif

B mca14_10012d1.gif

C mca14_10012c1.gif

D mca14_10012b1.gif

Q6: A UJT has:

A two emitter leads and one base lead

B one emitter lead and two base leads

C two base leads

D one emitter lead

Q7: The only way to close an SCR is with:

A valley voltage

B a trigger input applied to the gate

C low-current dropout

D forward breakover voltage

Q8: What is an SCR?

A a PNPN thyristor with 3 terminals

B a PNP thyristor with 3 terminals

C an NPN thyristor with 3 terminals

D a PNPN thyristor with 4 terminals

Q9: What type of application would use a photovoltaic cell?

A a TI 92 calculator

B a remote power source

C a magnetic field detector

D an automobile horn

Q10: Which is the seven-segment display?

A mca14_10013b1.gif

B mca14_10013c1.gif

C mca14_10013a1.gif

D mca14_10013d1.gif