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Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Q1: They have built a perfect dam across the river.

A Across the river a perfect dam was built.

B A perfect dam has been built by them across the river.

C A perfect dam should have been built by them.

D Across the river was a perfect dam.

Q2: On left shifting, the bits from the left are rotated and brought to the right and accommodated where there is empty space on the right?

A False

B True

Q3: Base 10 refers to which number system?

A decimal

B hexadecimal

C octal

D binary coded decimal

Q4: Convert the decimal number 151.75 to binary.

A 00111100.00

B 10000111.11

C 11010011.01

D 10010111.11

Q5: Convert the binary number 1011010 to hexadecimal.

A 5F

B 5C

C 5A

D 5B

Q6: The number of bits used to store a BCD digit is:

A 2

B 1

C 8

D 4

Q7: Sample-and-hold circuits in ADCs are designed to:

A stabilize the ADCs threshold voltage during the conversion process

B stabilize the input analog signal during the conversion process

C sample and hold the ADC staircase waveform during the conversion process

D sample and hold the output of the binary counter during the conversion process

Q8: The weight of the LSB as a binary number is:

A 3

B 4

C 2

D 1

Q9: What is the difference between binary coding and binary coded decimal?

A BCD is pure binary.

B Binary coding is pure binary.

C Binary coding has a decimal format.

D BCD has no decimal format.

Q10: Convert the binary number 1001.0010 to decimal.

A 12.5

B 9.125

C 90.125

D 125