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Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Q1: Do you imitate others?

A Are others being imitated by you?

B Are others imitated by you?

C Have others being imitated by you?

D Were others being imitated by you?

Q2: Bitwise & can be used in conjunction with ~ operator to turn off 1 or more bits in a number.

A No

B Yes

Q3: What is the resultant binary of the decimal problem 49 + 1 = ?

A 01010101

B 00110101

C 00110010

D 00110001

Q4: 3428 is the decimal value for which of the following binary coded decimal (BCD) groupings?

A 11010001001000

B 11010000101000

C 011010010000010

D 110100001101010

Q5: What is the result when a decimal 5238 is converted to base 16?

A 327.375

B 12166

C 1388

D 1476

Q6: Decimal numbers can be converted into binary by dividing by two and recording the remainders.

A True

B False

Q7: In the gray code, each number is 3 greater than the binary representation of that number.

A True

B False

Q8: The process of converting a decimal number to its binary equivalent is called binary conversion.

A False

B True

Q9: Base is the same as radix.

A True

B False

Q10: The most significant digit is the rightmost, largest-weight digit in a number.

A True

B False