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Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Q1: The invigilator was reading out the instructions.

A The instructions were read by the invigilator.

B The instructions were being read out by the invigilator.

C The instructions had been read out by the invigilator.

D The instructions had been read by the invigilator.

Q2: Bitwise | can be used to multiply a number by powers of 2.

A Yes

B No

Q3: Subtraction is commutative.

A False

B True

Q4: The expressions, tfq19_1004_1.gif, are equivalent.

A False

B True

Q5: The Boolean expression for a three-input AND gate is Y = A • B + C.

A True

B False

Q6: According to the commutative law, in ORing and ANDing of two variables, the order in which the variables are ORed or ANDed makes no difference.

A False

B True

Q7: Boolean multiplication is symbolized by A + B.

A True

B False

Q8: tfq19_1010_1.gif is the algebraic expression for the duality theorem.

A False

B True

Q9: The associative law of addition states that A + (B + C) = (A + B) + C.

A True

B False

Q10: The application of DeMorgan's theorems to a Boolean expression with double and single inversions produces a resultant expression that contains only single inverter signs over single variables.

A True

B False