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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A Divine

B Immortal

C Spiritual

D Eternal

Point out the error in the program.

union employee
    char name[15];
    int age;
    float salary;
const union employee e1;

int main()
    strcpy(, 'K');
    printf('%d', e1.age);
    printf('%f', e1.salary);
    return 0;

A Error: LValue required in strcpy

B No error

C Error: RValue required

D Error: cannot modify const object

Q3: In a binary system there are only two symbols.

A True

B False

Q4: Using digital techniques of information storage is easy.

A True

B False

Q5: One advantage of analog circuits over digital circuits is that it's easier to store data.

A True

B False

Q6: Digital circuits cannot perform logic comparisons since the circuit can have only one of two values at any instant.

A False

B True

Q7: A digital circuit will not obey a set of logic rules.

A False

B True

Q8: Circuits that exhibit the property of memory normally revert to their original state when the input is removed.

A True

B False

Q9: A logic analyzer is used to display a timing diagram.

A False

B True

Q10: Parallel transmission is faster than serial.

A True

B False