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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A Innocent

B Vapid

C Ignorant

D Frivolous

Point out the error in the program.
#define MAX 128

int main()
    char mybuf[] = 'India';
    char yourbuf[] = 'Aptitude';
    char const *ptr = mybuf;
    *ptr = 'a';
    ptr = yourbuf;
    return 0;

A Error: unknown pointer conversion

B Error: cannot convert ptr const value

C None of above

D No error

Q3: The manner in which a digital circuit responds to an input is the circuit's ________.

A inputs

B wiring

C outputs

D logic

The given figure is most likely a ________.

A register

B decoder

C counter

D multiplexer

Q5: A(n)________ is not a functional unit of a computer.

A memory unit

B modem

C input unit

D control unit

Q6: The duty cycle of a square wave is ________.

A 25%

B 10%

C 50%

D 100%

Q7: If a HIGH logic level is assigned a binary zero (0), and a low level is assigned a binary one (1), the logic is called ________.

A negative logic

B assertion-level logic

C invalid logic

D positive logic

The quantity represented by #1 in the given figure is ________.

A VH(min)

B VL(max)

C VH(max)

D VL(min)

Q9: A binary number can be converted to be viewed on a 7-segment display by a(n) ________.

A magnitude comparator

B encoder

C decoder

D multiplexer

Q10: The CPU contains all the circuitry for ________.

A storing data

B fetching and interpreting instructions

C Internet operations

D keeping track of time