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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A Criticize

B Flatter

C Exaggerate

D Adore

Point out the error in the program.
const char *fun();

int main()
    *fun() = 'A';
    return 0;
const char *fun()
    return 'Hello';

A No error

B Error: RValue required

C Error: Lvalue required

D Error: fun() returns a pointer const character which cannot be modified

Q3: A continually variable, proportional indicator is a(n) ________ representation.

A unconstitutional

B digital

C analog

D decimal

Q4: The control and arithmetic/logic units are often considered as one unit called the ________.

A inputs and outputs

B microcomputer

C arithmetic/logic unit

D central processing unit

Q5: A microcontroller would not be used in a(n) ________.

A automobile ignition system

B grandfather clock


D antilock brakes

Q6: ________ is the highest-value seven-bit binary number.

A 128

B 127

C 126

D 125

The systems shown in the given figure communicate using ________.

A both parallel and serial data

B parallel data

C serial data

D serial-parallel data

Q8: The set of instructions for a computer is called a(n) ________.

A control unit

B program

C input

D output

Q9: The controls on an oscilloscope that will help obtain a stable display are in the ________.

A trigger section

B display section

C vertical section

D horizontal section

The value of the data shown in the given figure is ________.

A 1001101

B 1011001

C 5

D between 0 and 1