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Directions to Solve

Each sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

Q1: The young leader was reluctant to shoulder the responsibilities of ministerial office.

A wanting

B eager

C willing

D anxious

What will you do to treat the constant 3.14 as a long double?

A use 3.14LD

B use 3.14L

C use 3.14DL

D use 3.14LF

Q3: Data transfer from I/O to external data memory can only be done with the MOV command.

A True

B False

Q4: Which of the following commands will move the number 27H into the accumulator?

A MOV A, P27

B MOV A, #27H

C MOV A, 27H

D MOV A, @27

Q5: This program code will read data from port 0 and write it to port 2, and it will stop looping when bit 3 of port 2 is set:
  MOV P2,A
  JNB P2.3, STAT

A True

B False

Q6: Which of the following commands will move the value at port 3 to register 2?

A MOV P2, R3

B MOV R3, P2

C MOV 3P, R2

D MOV R2, P3

Q7: The number of data registers is:

A 8

B 16

C 32

D 64

Q8: When the 8051 is reset and the EA line is LOW, the program counter points to the first program instruction in the:

A internal code memory

B external code memory

C internal data memory

D external data memory

Q9: The designs of a centigrade thermometer and a PWM speed-control circuit can be implemented by the 8051.

A True

B False

Q10: What is the difference between the 8031 and the 8051?

A The 8031 has no interrupts.

B The 8031 is ROM-less.

C The 8051 is ROM-less.

D The 8051 has 64 bytes more memory.