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Directions to Solve

Each sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

Q1: It was done in a haphazard manner.

A designed

B extraordinary

C planned

D excellent

Q2: What will be the output of the program?
#define MAX(a, b) (a > b ? a : b)

int main()
    int x;
    x = MAX(3+2, 2+7);
    printf('%d\n', x);
    return 0;

A 9

B 6

C 8

D 5

The timing diagram for a two-input NAND gate is shown below. The gate is working correctly.

A True

B False

The truth table shown below describes the operation of a NOR gate.

A False

B True

Q5: A two-input NAND gate has inputs of 1 and 0; the output is 0.

A False

B True

Q6: A NAND gate consists of an AND gate and an OR gate connected in series with each other.

A False

B True

Q7: In an expression containing both AND and OR operations, the AND operations are performed first (unless parentheses indicate otherwise).

A False

B True

Q8: In a text-based language, the circuit being described must be given a name.

A False

B True

Q9: The effect of an inverted output being connected to the inverting input of another gate is to effectively eliminate one of the inversions, resulting in a single inversion.

A False

B True

Q10: A minimum of three universal NOR gates would be required to perform the logical operation of a 2-input AND gate.

A False

B True