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Directions to Solve

Each sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

Q1: Poet often prefer ambiguity to

A rationality

B perversity

C clarity

D certainty

Point out the error in the program

int main()
    int i;
    #if A
        printf("Enter any number:");
        scanf("%d", &i);
    #elif B
        printf("The number is odd");
    return 0;

A The number is odd

B None of above

C Error: unexpected end of file because there is no matching #endif

D Garbage values

Q3: What is the indication of a short to ground in the output of a driving gate?

A There is a signal loss to all load gates.

B Only the output of the defective gate is affected.

C The affected node will be stuck in the HIGH state.

D The node may be stuck in either the HIGH or the LOW state.

Q4: How many outputs would two 8-line-to-3-line encoders, expanded to a 16-line-to-4-line encoder, have?

A 3

B 6

C 5

D 4

Q5: An encoder in which the highest and lowest value input digits are encoded simultaneously is known as a priority encoder.

A True

B False

Q6: Three select lines are required to address four data input lines.

A True

B False

Q7: Single looping in groups of three is a common K-map simplification technique.

A False

B True

Q8: In true sum-of-products expressions, the inversion signs cannot cover more than single variables in a term.

A False

B True

Q9: A combinatorial logic circuit has memory characteristics that "remember" the inputs after they have been removed.

A True

B False

Q10: A data selector is also called a demultiplexer.

A False

B True