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Directions to Solve

Each sentences below consist of a word or a phrase which is bold. It is followed by four words or phrases. Select the word or pharse which is closes to the OPPOSITE in meaning of the bold word or phrase.

Q1: His short but pointed speech was applauded by all sections of the audience.

A disapproved

B welcomed

C praised

D misunderstood

Q2: A preprocessor directive is a message from programmer to the preprocessor.

A False

B True


Q3: Pick up the metal refractory from the following:

A All of these.

B Tungsten

C Zicronium

D Molyblendum

Q4: Measuring of unknown voltage with a dc potentiometer loses its advantage of open circuit measurement when

A standardisation is done to compensate for drift

B primary circuit battery is changed

C voltage is larger than range of potentiometer

D range reduction by factor of 10 is employed

Q5: 127416 - 3A716 = __________ .