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Directions to Solve

In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option 'D' is the answer.

Q1: His father won't be able to leave for Varnasi until they have arrived.

A until they arrive

B until they will have arrived

C No improvement

D until they will arrive

Q2: A pointer union CANNOT be created

A Yes

B No


Q3: A uniform slope was measured by the method of stepping. If the difference in level between two points is 1.8 m and the slope distance between them is 15 m, the error is approximately equal to

A none of these

B cumulative, - 0.11 m

C cumulative, + 0.11 m

D compensating, ± 0.11 m

Q4: Which of the following does not use the principle of change in inductance?

A Inductance displacement transducer

B Strain gauge


D Reluctance pick up