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Directions to Solve

In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option 'D' is the answer.

Q1: Although India is still by far a poor country, it can become rich if its natural and human resources are fully utilised.

A few and far between

B by and large

C No improvement

D by and by

Q2: What will be the output of the program (sample.c) given below if it is executed from the command line?
cmd> sample friday tuesday sunday
/* sample.c */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf('%c', **++argv);
    return 0;

A s

B f

C sample

D friday


Q3: Orientation of a plane table by solving two point problem is only adopted when

A none of these.

B better accuracy is a main factor

C given points are inaccessible

D saving of time is a main factor

Q4: Two ammeters having resistances of 0.5 Ω and 0.25 Ω and having full scale reading of 25 A each are connected in parallel. To ensure that neither of them goes beyond scale, the total current should not be more than

A 50 A

B 25 A

C 37.5 A

D 40 A