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Directions to Solve

In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, option 'D' is the answer.

Q1: Not a word they spoke to the unfortunate wife about it

A did they speak

B they will speak

C they had spoken

D No improvement

Q2: What will be the output of the program (sample.c) given below if it is executed from the command line?
cmd> sample friday tuesday sunday
/* sample.c */

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    printf('%c', *++argv[2] );
    return 0;

A s

B f

C u

D r


Q3: Setting out a curve by two theodolite method, involves

A angular measurements only

B linear measurements only

C none of these.

D both linear and angular measurements

Q4: A 0-200 V voltmeter has a sensitivity of 1 kΩ per volt. The resistance of voltmeter is

A 200 kΩ

B 1 kΩ

C 100 kΩ

D 50 kΩ