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Find out the wrong number in the series.

Q1: 2880, 480, 92, 24, 8, 4, 4

A 480

B 92

C 24

D 8

E 4

Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Direct/Indirect speech. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Indirect/Direct speech.

Q2: "Are you alone, my son?" asked a soft voice close behind me.

A A soft voice asked that what I was doing there alone.

B A soft voice said to me are you alone son.

C A soft voice from my back asked If I was alone.

D A soft voice behind me asked If I was alone.

Q3: Point out the error in the following code?
typedef struct
    int data;
    NODEPTR link;

A No error

B Error: typedef cannot be used until it is defined

C Error: in *NODEPTR

D None of above


Q4: Removal of parallax, may be achieved by focussing

A the objective

B none of these.

C the objective and the eye-piece

D the eye-piece

Q5: A water treatment plant is required to process 28800 m3/d of raw water (density = 1000 kg/m3, kinematic viscosity = 10-6 m2/s). The rapid mixing tank imparts tank a velocity gradient of 900s-1 to blend 35 mg/l of alum with the flow for a detention time of 2 minutes. The power input (W) required for rapid mixing is

A 32400

B 36

C 32.4

D 324

Q6: During testing of an energy meter, the energy recorded by meter was 0.05 kWh and correct energy was found to be 0.09 kWh. The error and correction respectively are

A ± 0.01 kWh and 0.01 kWh

B -0.01 kWh and ± 0.01 kWh

C -0.01 kWh and 0.01 kWh

D 0.01 kWh and -0.01 kWh