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Directions to Solve

In each question rearrange the given sentences in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then, mark the correct sequence as answer.

  1. Participation involves more than the formal sharing of decisions.
  2. Through anticipation, individuals or organisations consider trends and make plans, shielding institutions from trauma of learning by shock.
  3. Innovative learning involves both anticipation and participation.
  4. It is an attitude characterised by cooperation, dialogue and empathy.

A 2314

B 1243

C 3214

D 4132

E 1324

Q2: Which of the following factors supports the statement that reusability is a desirable feature of a language?

A It lowers the maintenance cost.

B It decreases the testing time.

C It reduces the compilation time.

D Both A and B.


Q3: Profile levelling is usually done for determining

A capacity of a reservoir

B boundaries of property

C contours of an area

D elevations along a straight line

Q4: Assertion (A): Most of magnetic circuits have an air gap. Reason (R): An air gap has high reluctance.

A A is true but R is false

B Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A

C A is false but R is true

D Both A and R are true and R is correct explanation of A