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Directions to Solve

In each question rearrange the given sentences in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then, mark the correct sequence as answer.

  1. However, different rulers and governments dealt with the different groups in a compartmentalised manner.
  2. Various situtatutional and political changes have taken place over the past three and half centuries.
  3. This tendency resulted in deeply embedded fragmented South African society which became even more prominent in the period 1948 until the new commencement of the new Constitution on May 10 1994.
  4. South Africa is a racially divided society since the first European settlers arrived in 1652.

A 2134

B 3124

C 1342

D 2413

E 4213

Q2: Which of the following is a mechanism of static polymorphism?

A Function overloading

B Operator overloading

C Function overloading

D All of the above


Q3: For indirect ranging, number of ranging rods required, is

A 5

B 1

C 2

D 3

E 4

Q4: In an electrochemical process the mass of material deposited at an electrode is proportional to

A none of the above

B magnitude of current

C electric charge through the electrolyte

D time for which current is passed