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Directions to Solve

In each question rearrange the given sentences in proper sequence to form a meaningful paragraph; then, mark the correct sequence as answer.

  1. Such a system will help identify and groom executives for positions of strategists.
  2. Evaluation of performance is more often than not done for the purpose of reward or punishment for the past performance.
  3. They must become an integral part of the executive evaluation system.
  4. Even where the evaluation system is for one's promotion to assume higher responsibilities, it rarely includes items that are a key for playing the role of strategists effectively.

A 2431

B 4321

C 4213

D 1234

E 3421

Q2: Which of the following operators cannot be overloaded?

A *

B []

C []

D ?:


Q3: During secular variation of magnetic meridian at different places

A period of oscillation only varies.

B range of oscillations is constant

C range and period of oscillation both vary

D period of oscillation is constant

The transfer function H(s) of a system is given by Given that understeady state conditions, the sinusoidal I/P and 0/P are respectively x(t) = cos 2t and y(t) = cos (2t + Φ), then the angle Φ will be


B -45°

C 45°

D -90°