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Directions to Solve

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Q1: A style in which a writer makes a display of his knowledge

A Ornate

B Pedantic

C Pompous

D Verbose

Which one of the following is correct about the statements given below?
  1. All function calls are resolved at compile-time in Procedure Oriented Programming.
  2. All function calls are resolved at compile-time in OOPS.

A Both I and II are correct.

B Only I is correct.

C Only II is correct.

D Both I and II are incorrect.


Q3: The method of reversal

A both (a) and (b)

B neither (a) nor (b).

C is usually directed to examine whether a certain part is truly parallel or perpendicular to another

D makes the erroneous relationship between parts evident

In figure, the tree branches are bdf. The fundamental loops include

A cdbdefbfa

B abdedefcdb

C abcdefbdea

D ceabdeaabc