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Directions to Solve

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Q1: Leave or remove from a place considered dangerous

A Evade

B Evacuate

C Avoid

D Exterminate

Q2: Which one of the following options is correct?

A Friend function can access private data members of the class.

B Friend function can access protected data members of the class.

C Friend function can access public data members of the class.

D All of the above.


Q3: If the plane table is not horizontal in a direction at right angles to the alidade, the line of sight is parallel to the fiducial edge only for

A horizontal sights

B inclined sight downward

C inclined sights upward

D none of these.

Q4: If f1 and f2 and half-power frequency and f0 be resonant frequency, the selectivity of R-L-C series circuit is given by

A (f2 - f1)/(f1 - f0)

B (f2 - f1)/2f0

C (f2 - f1)/f0

D (f2 - f0)/(f1 - f0)