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Directions to Solve

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Q1: In a state of tension or anxiety or suspense

A Off balance

B Diffused

C Depressed

D On tenterhooks

Q2: Which of the following statements is correct?
  1. We can return a global variable by reference.
  2. We cannot return a local variable by reference.

A Only 1 is correct.

B Both 1 and 2 are correct.

C Both 1 and 2 are incorrect.

D Only 2 is correct.


Q3: For high sensivity of the bubble tube

A the bubble tube should not be too narrow

B a liquid of low surface tension is used

C a liquid of low viscosity is used

D all the above.

E the bubble space should be long

Q4: The reduced levels of the ends A and B of a runway are 3025 m and 3035 m and that of its mid-point is 3015 m. The reduced level of the horizontal surface, is

A 3070 m

B 3015 m

C none of these.

D 3075 m

E 3060 m

Q5: An excitation is applied to a system at t = T, and its response is zero for -∞ < t < T, such a system is

A causal system

B Stable system

C non-causal system

D unstable system