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Directions to Solve

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Q1: One who cannot be corrected

A Invulnerable

B Incurable

C Incorrigible

D Hardened

Q2: Which of the following statement is correct?

A An array of references is not acceptable.

B Once a reference variable has been defined to refer to a particular variable it can refer to any other variable.

C An array of references is acceptable.

D Reference is like a structure.


Q3: Chain surveying is well adopted for

A large areas with simple details

B large areas with difficult details.

C small areas in open ground

D small areas with crowded details

Q4: For 200V r.m.s. value triangular wave, the peak voltage will be

A 346 V

B 222 V

C 280 V

D 200 V