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Directions to Solve

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Q1: A person not sure of the existence of god

A Cynic

B Agnostic

C Theist

D Atheist

Q2: Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
int main()
    int x = 80; 
    int &y = x;
    cout << x << ' ' << --y;
    return 0;

A The program will print the output 81 80.

B It will result in a compile time error.

C The program will print the output 81 81.

D The program will print the output 80 80.


Q3: A sewer is laid from a manhole A to a manhole B, 250 m away along a gradient of 1 in 125. If the reduced level of the invert at A is 205.75 m and the height of the boning rod is 3 m, the reduced level of the sight rail at B, is

A 211.75 m

B 208.75 m

C 202.75 m

D 206.75 m

Q4: A two terminal black box contains one of the elements R, L, C. The black box is connected to 220 V as supply. The current is I, when a capacitance of 0.1 F is connected in series between the source and box, the current is 2I. The elements is

A capacitance of 0.5 F

B not identifiable form the given data

C resistance

D inductance