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Directions to Solve

In questions given below out of four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given word/sentence.

Q1: The absence of law and order

A Mutiny

B Revolt

C Anarchy

D Rebellion

Q2: Which of the following statement is correct about the program given below?
int main()
    int m = 2, n = 6;
    int &x = m;
    int &y = n;
    m = x++; 
    x = m++;
    n = y++;
    y = n++;
    cout<< m << ' ' << n; 
    return 0; 

A The program will print output 5 9.

B The program will print output 4 8.

C The program will print output 2 6.

D The program will print output 3 7.

E The program will print output 6 10.


Q3: is the conventional sign of

A mosque

B church

C idgah

D temple

E fort.

Q4: A battery charger can drive a current of 5A with 1Ω resistance connected at its output. If it can charge 2 V battery at 7 A rate, its Thevenin's equivalent circuit will be

A 7.5 V in parallel with 0.5 Ω resistance

B 12.5 V in parallel with 1.5 Ω resistance

C 1.25 V in series with 1.5 Ω resistance

D 7.5 in series with 0.5 Ω resistance