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Directions to Solve

In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Give answer

  • (A) If only assumption I is implicit
  • (B) If only assumption II is implicit
  • (C) If either I or II is implicit
  • (D) If neither I nor II is implicit
  • (E) If both I and II are implicit.

Q1: Statement: Traffic jams on most of the roads in the city have become a regular feature during monsoon. Assumptions:
  1. Material used for road construction cannot withstand the fury of monsoon resulting into innumerable pot holes on the roads.
  2. Number of vehicles coming on the roads is much more in monsoon as compared to other seasons.

A Only assumption I is implicit

B Both I and II are implicit

C Only assumption II is implicit

D Either I or II is implicit

E Neither I nor II is implicit

Which of the following statements are correct about the following code snippet?
int a = 10; 
int b = 20;
bool c;
c = !(a > b);
  1. There is no error in the code snippet.
  2. An error will be reported since ! can work only with an int.
  3. A value 1 will be assigned to c.
  4. A value True will be assigned to c.
  5. A value False will be assigned to c.

A None of these

B 1, 4

C 2, 4

D 4, 5

E 1, 3


Q3: Engineer's units of force, is

A Newton and dyne in absolute units

B Dyne in absolute units

C Newton in absolute units

D All the above.