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Directions to Solve

In each question below is given a statement followed by two assumptions numbered I and II. You have to consider the statement and the following assumptions and decide which of the assumptions is implicit in the statement.

Give answer

  • (A) If only assumption I is implicit
  • (B) If only assumption II is implicit
  • (C) If either I or II is implicit
  • (D) If neither I nor II is implicit
  • (E) If both I and II are implicit.

Q1: Statement: How is it that the village is not shown in this so-called official map of this district? Assumptions:
  1. The official district map is expected to show all the villages of that district.
  2. This is not an authentic and official map.

A Either I or II is implicit

B Neither I nor II is implicit

C Only assumption II is implicit

D Only assumption I is implicit

E Both I and II are implicit

Q2: What will be the output of the C#.NET code snippet given below?
namespace AptitudeCrackConsoleApplication
    class Baseclass
        public void fun()
            Console.Write('Base class' + ' ');
    class Derived1: Baseclass
        new void fun()
            Console.Write('Derived1 class' + ' '); 
    class Derived2: Derived1
        new void fun()
            Console.Write('Derived2 class' + ' ');
    class Program
        public static void Main(string[ ] args)
            Derived2 d = new Derived2(); 

A Base class Derived1 class Derived2 class

B Derived1 class

C Derived2 class

D Base class Derived1 class

E Base class


Q3: The following factor affects the orbit of a satellite up to an altitude of 720 km from the earth's surface

A uneven distribution of the gravitational field

B none of these.

C aerodynamic forces

D gravity of the sun and the moon

Q4: According to Siegel and Labus, antenna can be treated as

A earthed transmission line

B closed transmission line

C opened-out transmission line

D shorted transmission line