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Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, five words have been given out of which four are alike in some manner, while the fifth one is different. Choose the word which is different from the rest.

Q1: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A Kangaroo

B Sheep

C Yak

D Bear

E Fox

Q2: An atom's atomic number is determined by the number of:

A neutrons

B neutrons minus protons

C electrons

D protons


Q3: Hazin's formula is used for the settlement velocity of the particles of diameter

A greater than 0.1 mm.

B less than 0.1 mm

C less than 0.05 mm

D less than 0.01 mm

Q4: If the inputs to a 3 bit binary adder are 1112 and 1112, the output will be 1102

A False

B True