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Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, five words have been given out of which four are alike in some manner, while the fifth one is different. Choose the word which is different from the rest.

Q1: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A Goat

B Dog

C Sheep

D Cow

E Camel

Q2: An ammeter is connected in ______ with the branch resistor to measure branch current, and in ______ with the voltage supply to measure total parallel circuit current.

A parallel, series

B series, parallel

C series, series

D parallel, parallel

Q3: Ballast packed below and around the sleepers to transfer the load from sleepers to formation, generally consists of

A broken stones

B gravels

C moorum

D all the above.

In the circuit of the given figure, Y =

A 0

B 1