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Directions to Solve

In each of the following questions, five words have been given out of which four are alike in some manner, while the fifth one is different. Choose the word which is different from the rest.

Q1: Choose the word which is different from the rest.

A Riboflavin

B Niacin

C Thiamine

D Trypsin

E Ascorbic acid

Q2: An open resistor in parallel will cause the total ___ to increase.

A current

B power

C resistance

D voltage

Q3: A mono-block sleeper has

A rectangular section

B square section

C trapezoidal section

D semi-circular section

E none of these.

Q4: In a shift left register, shifting a bit by one bit means

A division by 2

B multiplication by 2

C subtraction of 2

D None of the above