Statement and Assumption

Q1: Statement: The entire north India, including Delhi and the neighbouring states remained 'powerless' the whole day of 19th December as the northern grid supplying electricity to the seven states collapsed yet again. Assumptions:
  1. The northern grid had collapsed earlier.
  2. The grid system of providing electricity to a group of states is an ineffective type of power supply system.

A Only assumption II is implicit

B Either I or II is implicit

C Both I and II are implicit

D Neither I nor II is implicit

E Only assumption I is implicit

ANS:A - Only assumption I is implicit

Explanation: The statement mentions that the northern grid collapsed 'yet again'. This means that it had collapsed earlier also. So, I is implicit. Also, the statement talks of a particular fault in the system but does not condemn the grid system. So, II is not implicit.

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