Flow Control

What will be the output of the program?
public class SwitchTest 
    public static void main(String[] args) 
        System.out.println('value =' + switchIt(4)); 
    public static int switchIt(int x) 
        int j = 1;  
        switch (x) 
            case l: j++; 
            case 2: j++;  
            case 3: j++; 
            case 4: j++; 
            case 5: j++; 
            default: j++; 
        return j + x;  

A value = 2

B value = 4

C value = 8

D value = 6

ANS:A - value = 2

Because there are no break statements, once the desired result is found, the program continues though each of the remaining options.

img not found

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