Decimal Fraction

Q1: The price of commodity X increases by 40 paise every year, while the price of commodity Y increases by 15 paise every year. If in 2001, the price of commodity X was Rs. 4.20 and that of Y was Rs. 6.30, in which year commodity X will cost 40 paise more than the commodity Y ?

A 2010

B 2011

C 2012

D 2013

ANS:B - 2011

Suppose commodity X will cost 40 paise more than Y after z years. Then, (4.20 + 0.40z) - (6.30 + 0.15z) = 0.40  0.25z = 0.40 + 2.10

 z = 2.50 = 250 = 10.
0.25 25
 X will cost 40 paise more than Y 10 years after 2001 i.e., 2011.

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