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Directions to Solve

In each of the sentences given below a word is printed in bold. Below it four choices are given. Pick up the one which is most nearly the same in meaning as the word printer in bold and can replaces it without altering the meaning of the sentence.

Q1: His visit to foreign countries brought about a sea-change in his outlook and his attitude to people.

A unfavourable change

B complete change

C partial change

D favourable change

Q2: The product layout is more amenable to automation than process layout.

A False

B True

Q3: In break even analysis, total cost consists of

A fixed cost + variable cost + profit

B variable cost + sales revenue

C fixed cost + variable cost

D fixed cost + sales revenue

Q4: A critical activity has

A average slack

B maximum slack

C zero slack

D minimum slack

Q5: Sampling method of determining standard time is profitable for long cycle operation.

A Incorrect

B Correct

Q6: Break even analysis is a

A long term analysis

B any one of these

C short term analysis

D average of short and long term analysis

Q7: In a functional organisation

A specialised knowledge and guidance to individual worker is provided

B quality of work is better

C all of the above

D wastage of material is minimum

Q8: The purpose of micromotion study is to

A help in collecting the motion time data for synthetic time standards

B train the individual operator regarding the motion economy principles

C all of the above

D assist in finding out the most efficient way of doing work

Q9: A PERT network has three activities on critical path with mean time 3, 8 and 6 and standard deviations 1, 2 and 2 respectively. The probability that the project will be completed in 20 days is

A 0.84

B 0.95

C 0.66

D 0.50

Q10: Scheduling

A regulates the progress of job through various processes

B determines the programme for the operations

C is concerned with starting of processes

D prescribes the sequence of operations to be followed