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Directions to Solve

Find the correctly spelt words.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A Running

B Burnning

C Fryng

D Friming

Q2: A turbo-jet does not require a turbine to drive the compressor.

A True

B False

Q3: For the same maximum pressure and heat input, the exhaust temperature of petrol engine is __________ than that of diesel engine.

A more

B less

Q4: The compression ratio in petrol engines is kept low as compared to diesel engines because higher compression ratio in petrol engines would lead to pre-ignition of fuel.

A Disagree

B Agree

Q5: The cetane (C16H34) which is a straight chain paraffin is assigned a cetane number of

A 50

B 0

C 100

D 120

Q6: Morse test is used to determine the I.P. of a

A four stroke engine

B single cylinder petrol engine

C single cylinder diesel engine

D multi-cylinder engine

Q7: A moderator

A does not absorb neutrons

B none of these

C absorbs neutrons

D accelerates neutrons

Q8: In a four stroke cycle diesel engine, the exhaust valve

A may open and close anywhere

B opens at 30° after bottom dead centre and closes at 10° before top dead centre

C opens at 30° before bottom dead cnetre and closes at 10° after top dead centre

D opens at bottom dead centre and closes at top dead centre

Q9: The two stroke cycle engines have lighter flywheel.

A Disagree

B Agree

Q10: The thermodynamic cycle on which the petrol engine works, is

A Joule cycle

B Stirling cycle

C Rankine cycle

D Otto cycle