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Directions to Solve

Find the correctly spelt words.

Q1: (solve as per the direction given above)

A Innoculation

B Inoculation

C Inocullation

D Inocculation

Q2: The air standard efficiency of an I.C. engine depends on

A fuel used

B none of these

C speed of engine

D compression ratio

Q3: The mean effective pressure of a diesel engine having fixed compression ratio will __________ if cut off ratio decreases.

A increase

B decrease

Q4: The knocking tendency in spark ignition engines may be decreased by

A reducing the compression ratio

B controlling the air-fuel mixture

C controlling the ignition timing

D controlling the exhaust temperature

Q5: The knocking tendency in spark ignition engines may be decreased by

A controlling the air-fuel mixture

B controlling the exhaust temperature

C reducing the compression ratio

D controlling the ignition timing

Q6: In a two stroke engine, the working cycle is completed in two revolutions of the crankshaft.

A Incorrect

B Correct

Q7: A reactor capable of converting a fertile material into fissile isotopes is called regenerative reactor.

A No

B Yes

Q8: Alpha-methyl-naphthalene (C11 H10) has a cetane number of

A 120

B 0

C 100

D 50

Q9: In a petrol engine, the mixture has the lowest pressure at the

A beginning of suction stroke

B end of compression stroke

C end of suction stroke

D none of these

Q10: Which of the following does not relate to a spark ignition engine ?

A Ignition coil

B Carburettor

C Fuel injector

D Spar kplug