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Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Q1: You can play with these kittens quite safely.

A These kittens can played with quite safely.

B These kittens can play with you quite safely.

C These kittens can be played with you quite safely.

D These kittens can be played with quite safely.

Q2: Bitwise | can be used to set multiple bits in number.

A Yes

B No

Q3: Each "1" entry in a K-map square represents ______________.

A a HIGH output on the truth table for all input combinations

B a LOW output for all possible HIGH input conditions

C a DON'T CARE condition for all possible input truth table combinations

D a HIGH for each input truth table condition that produces a HIGH output

Q4: One reason for using the sum-of-products form is that it can be implemented using all ______ gates without much alteration.





Q5: When grouping cells within a K-map, the cells must be combined in groups of ________.

A 2s

B 1, 2, 4, 8, etc.

C 4s

D 3s

Q6: The application of Boolean algebra to the solution of digital logic circuits was first explored by ________ of ________.

A Claude Shannon, MIT

B George Boole, MIT

C George Boole, Stanford

D Claude Shannon, IBM

Q7: A Karnaugh map will ____________________.

A eliminate the need for tedious Boolean expressions

B allow any circuit to be implemented with just AND and OR gates

C produce the simplest sum-of-products expression

D give an overall picture of how the signals flow through the logic circuit

Q8: Which type of PLD should be used to program basic logic functions?





Q9: The content of a simple programmable logic device (PLD) consists of:

A fuse-link arrays

B thousands of basic logic gates

C advanced sequential logic functions

D thousands of basic logic gates and advanced sequential logic functions

Q10: Once a PAL has been programmed:

A it cannot be reprogrammed.

B its outputs are only active HIGHs

C its outputs are only active LOWs

D its logic capacity is lost