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Directions to Solve

In the questions below the sentences have been given in Active/Passive voice. From the given alternatives, choose the one which best expresses the given sentence in Passive/Active voice.

Q1: She spoke to the official on duty.

A The official on duty was spoken to by her

B The official was spoken to by her on duty.

C She was spoken to by the official on duty.

D She was the official to be spoken to on duty.

What will be the output of the program?

union employee
    char name[15];
    int age;
    float salary;
const union employee e1;

int main()
    strcpy(, 'K');
    printf('%s %d %f',, e1.age, e1.salary);
    return 0;

A Error: RValue required

B No error

C Error: cannot convert from 'const int *' to 'int *const'

D Error: LValue required in strcpy

Q3: A technique that can be used in multiple-digit numerical displays to control suppression or display of leading or trailing zeros in the display is called _________.

A parity generation

B ripple blanking

C time division multiplexing

D advanced zero control

Q4: Parity systems are defined as either_____ or _____ and will add an extra _____ to the digital information being transmitted.

A odd, even, bit

B upper, lower, digit

C positive, negative, byte

D on, off, decimal

Q5: A device that uses a binary decoder to direct a digital signal from a single source to one of several destinations is a ________.

A multiplexer

B comparator

C demultiplexer

D encoder

Q6: A code in which each individual digit of a decimal number is represented by a 4-bit binary number is _________.

A hexadecimal

B binary

C seven-segment code

D binary coded decimal

Q7: The diodes in a seven-segment display where all cathodes are tied together and grounded are illuminated when a logic ____________________ is applied to the ____________________.

A LOW, count down control line

B LOW, anodes

C HIGH, anode

D HIGH, count up control line

Q8: A ripple counter's speed is limited by the propagation delay of:

A each flip-flop

B only circuit gates

C all flip-flops and gates

D the flip-flops only with gates

Q9: To operate correctly, starting a ring counter requires:

A presetting one flip-flop and clearing all the others

B clearing one flip-flop and presetting all the others

C presetting all the flip-flops

D clearing all the flip-flops

Q10: What type of register would shift a complete binary number in one bit at a time and shift all the stored bits out one bit at a time?