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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A Soft

B Average

C Tiny

D Weak

What will be the output of the program?
int get();

int main()
    const int x = get();
    printf('%d', x);
    return 0;
int get()
    return 20;

A 0

B Garbage value

C Error

D 20

Q3: A decoder converts ________.

A noncoded information into coded form


C coded information into noncoded form


Q4: A DAC changes ________.

A none of the above

B digital data into an amplified signal

C an analog signal into digital data

D digital data into an analog signal

Q5: The output of a NOT gate is HIGH when ________.

A the input is LOW

B voltage is removed from the gate

C the input is HIGH

D the input changes from LOW to HIGH

Q6: The output of an OR gate is LOW when ________.

A all inputs are LOW

B any input is LOW

C all inputs are HIGH

D any input is HIGH

Q7: Which of the following is not an analog device?

A Light switch

B Current flow in a circuit

C Thermocouple

D Audio microphone

Q8: A demultiplexer has ________.

A one data input and a number of selection inputs, and they have several outputs

B several inputs and several outputs

C one input and one output

D several inputs and one output

Q9: A flip-flop has ________.

A two stable states

B no stable states

C none of the above

D one stable state

Q10: Digital signals transmitted on a single conductor (and a ground) must be transmitted in:

A parallel.

B serial.

C slow speed.

D analog.