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Directions to Solve

In the following questions choose the word which is the exact OPPOSITE of the given words.


A Started

B Closed

C Finished

D Terminated

What will be the output of the program (in Turbo C)?

int fun(int *f)
    *f = 10;
    return 0;
int main()
    const int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    printf('Before modification arr[3] = %d', arr[3]);
    printf('\nAfter modification arr[3] = %d', arr[3]);
    return 0;

A Error: cannot convert parameter 1 from const int * to int *

B Before modification arr[3] = 4
After modification arr[3] = 10

C Before modification arr[3] = 4
After modification arr[3] = 4

D Error: Invalid parameter

Q3: Convert the fractional binary number 0000.1010 to decimal.

A 0.10

B 0.625

C 0.50

D 0.55

Q4: Digital representations of numerical values of quantities may BEST be described as having characteristics:

A that are difficult to interpret because they are continuously changing.

B that vary in constant and direct proportion to the values they represent.

C that vary constantly over a continuous range of values.

D that vary in discrete steps in proportion to the values they represent.

Q5: A common instrument used in troubleshooting a digital circuit is a(n) ________.

A logic probe

B pulser

C oscilloscope

D all of the above

Q6: The parallel transmission of digital data:

A is much slower than the serial transmission of data.

B is less expensive than the serial method of data transmission.

C requires only one signal line between sender and receiver.

D requires as many signal lines between sender and receiver as there are data bits.

Q7: Convert the fractional decimal number 6.75 to binary.

A 0110.1010

B 0110.0110

C 0110.1100

D 0111.1100

Q8: What is one relative disadvantage of serial transfer?

A It requires too many conductors.

B Its interconnect system is complex.

C It is slow.

D It can only be used over very short distances.

Q9: Which format requires fewer conductors?

A Serial

B Cannot tell

C Both are the same

D Parallel

Q10: A pulse has a period of 15 ms. Its frequency is ________.

A 6.66 Hz

B 15 Hz

C 66.66 Hz

D 666.66 Hz